Now that Aliya's essentially a kid, but still mama's baby all at the same time, two blogs a year seems the most I can crank out. But I can't let the (almost) anniversary of the first day I met her pass by without a post. So much change has happened since the last post 6 months ago - both in our lives, and to the Great Big Aliya.

I am typing this from the large, reclining desk chair, in Pop Pop's office, at Gagi Nita & Pop Pop's house, where we are living now, as we wait to take possession of our 105-year-old "New House." I suppose it is not that unusual for three generations to cohabitate (and certainly, in much of the world - including parts of Kaz - it remains the norm), but I still never thought I'd get to experience it first hand, as the middle generation. But here I am, in the house in which I grew up, watching my kids play in the cul de sac, my dogs romp in the woods, and self-conciously smooching my husband goodnight in my sister's old bed (the kids got my old room). For Sal and I, and I think for my parents as well, the arrangement is doable, if not desirable. For the kids however, and in particular Aliya, it is ideal. She sits at the dinner table now, beaming, and says, "Look! Aliya's whole family. Gagi, PopPop, Mommy, Daddy, Ava, Dexter, Oz, Max, Ranger. Aliya's whole family!" Bedtime goodnights take a good 10 minutes now, with 4 humans and 4 dogs to hug & kiss.

And Sunday afternoons are showtime, running from grown-up to grown-up to show off Tricky Ideas, Noisy Songs and Crazy Stunts. When you're two years old, extended-family living is good good good. I still get choked up sometimes, watching my once-solemm little bud continue to bloom and grow amongst all the people who love her so.

We close on our new house in 10 days, and hope to move in by the end of November. Sometime during the interim 2 weeks, we will gut and rebuild the kitchen, build a large fence around the yard so that kids & dogs can romp without worry, paint most of the rooms, and of course unpack all of our belongings (currently hibernating in storage pods). You know, while both working full time and entertaining two wacky kids. The amazing thing about Sal is, he always finds a way to make these crazy plans blossom into fruition, and I do my best to help.

I know that Aliya will be sad to leave Gagi & PopPop's house, but she is already excited that the new house is only 2 blocks away from Ava's mommy's house, and she's already talking about stopping by to visit Ava's new Baby Sister Claire whenever possible. And walking Ava to school. And picking Ava up from school. And hanging out with all of Ava's big kid frinds. And having lunch with Ava's mommy. And watching Adam eat worms - again. It's gonna be a great new adventure for all of us, and espsecially for my Thunderball.

Lastly, as I get all weepy remembering the first day I saw Aliya, I am very happy to note that Aunt Nina & Uncle Justin are deep in the midst of creating their own blog now, as they are in Karaganda with their beautiful son Elvis Bulan, and will hopefully bring him home within the next few weeks. Aliya (and the rest of us) can't wait to meet him.